H8478 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


08478tachath {takh'-ath} 来源同08430;TWOT-2504;阳性名词 AV-instead,under,for,as,with,from,flat,in the same place;24

1)下面,下方,取代,由于,因为,为..缘故,平坦,到,有..原因,由于 阳性名词
-1a)下面 受格的副词
-1b)在...之下 介系词
--1d3)取代,交换(用于事情的互换) 连接词
-1f)由此之故,由于 复合字
-1h)从下面,从下方,从手下,从其位,在下,在之内q 4:11),征服,女人,负重或压迫下(比喻用法)
--1d3)取代,交换(用于事情的互换) 连接词
-1f)由此之故,由于 复合字

08478tachath {takh'-ath} from the same as 08430;TWOT-2504;n m AV-instead,under,for,as,with,from,flat,in the same place;24

1)the under part,beneath,instead of,as,for,for the sake of, flat,unto,where,whereas n m
-1a)the under part adv accus
-1b)beneath prep
--1c1)at the foot of (idiom)
--1c2)sweetness,subjection,woman,being burdened or oppressed (fig)
--1c3)of subjection or conquest
-1d)what is under one,the place in which one stands
--1d1)in one's place,the place in which one stands (idiom with reflexive pronoun)
--1d2)in place of,instead of (in transferred sense)
--1d3)in place of,in exchange or return for (of things mutually interchanged) conj
-1e)instead of,instead of that
-1f)in return for that,because that in compounds
-1g)in,under,into the place of (after verbs of motion)
-1h)from under,from beneath,from under the hand of,from his place,under,beneath